Top 5 things I wish I’d known starting cello as an adult
I guarantee that taking these 5 points to heart will be a tremendous boost to your learning curve.
(Why) is Cello Hard to Learn?
The real question is what precisely is so hard about learning the cello.
How to rent your cello - Q&A with an expert luthier
For the vast majority of adults starting out their cello journeys, I recommend renting a cello first.
Here’s what strategized practice looks like
Do you feel like you don’t have enough time to get your practice in? (Or, that you’re not maximizing the precious time you have?)
The Hardest Thing about Learning Cello as an Adult | My Dirty Little Secret
I felt like Hester Prynne from Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter; I too had a red “A” stitched onto the chest region of anything I wore.